Fanime Con (Monday) – May 30, 2016

Stage Zero, workshops, and viewing rooms

Stage Zero allowed convention goers to see wonderful Anisong performances, group dances, and late night trivia shows. Walking between the halls and the stage was substantially easier with the assigned walking lanes. You could take a quick photo or snapchat video of your favorite cosplayers while enjoying stage festivities.The workshops at the Fairmont allowed people to see presentations about their favorite areas, while enabling them to explore new and unfamiliar topics. Fanime provided an educational entertainment experience which balanced the excitement of the gatherings and vendor halls.

People had the chance to watch Anime marathon arcs, Anime Music videos, and OVAs they haven’t seen before. The rooms provided a relaxing atmosphere and quiet time from the long days of shopping and cosplaying.

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Full event coverage found on our Facebook website.
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